Pithy snippets…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s Taj Mahal is the ugly one.

Excuses for being late. No. 174.
I’m sorry I’m late, but somebody left a heavy bust of Napoleon in my porch.

So, if you learn to play the guitar, and practise really hard, and become very good and famous… you might get a Hull bus named after you.
(Mick Ronson)

‘That shop at the end of your street…’
‘Yes, what about it?’
‘Well it never has anything I want, it’s very cramped, and they are really rude to their customers…’
‘Well it is an inconvenience store you know.’

A single overheard remark:
‘Our Claudia went shush…’

Yes, she was very good-looking, but she had a face that looked like it had never done much laughing.

An observation:
Two very fat ladies coming waddling out of a doorway that says ‘Amazing Grace’ over the top of it – ah, of course, it’s a church.

On Tuesday I was so bored I resorted to ‘Mr Sheen’-ing the dusty tops of my skirting boards.

Today’s sound is that of a Mint Imperial rolling off a table onto a hard polished floor.

A single overheard remark:
‘I’ll speak to you in my jeans…’

‘Do you have any hobbies or pastimes?’
‘Well, no, not really…’
‘Well, I do like to burn marks on the backs of the bus seats with my cigarette lighter – I like the patterns it makes… and the smell…’
‘Well, that’s something I suppose. Perhaps we could arrange for you to get an arts grant so that you can develop it…’

I was going to park at the back of the church, but I noticed that they’ve started a ‘Pray and Display’ scheme.

The dentist’s waiting room this morning was full of people with pointed noses. I expect he’s branching out and going in for a bit of nose sharpening on the side.

An observation:
Oh look, there’s the now rather chubby Steven Seagal accompanied by his chubby scruffy family walking through the Dulltown Interchange. I’m sure it’s him – see, that he’s still got his pony tail! (S.S.)

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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