Snatches of an overheard train conversation…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s Captain Beefheart quote is: ‘Tropical hotdog night – like two flamingos in a fruit fight…’

This conversation was very long and loud, and was pretty annoying, but I made the best of the situation by jotting some of it down to share with you my dear reader so that you may get a glimpse into the very very dull lives that these people lead.
Please read it as you would a poem… perhaps intone it out loud, in the voice of a Shakespearean actor in a big theatre, or an Archbishop in his cathedral?

‘Is that what Derek said?’
‘It’s an eighty grand play…’
‘I mean, Jesus Christ…’
‘That’s why Alan is unsupported.’
‘It’s eight sockets, not sixteen, or three!’
‘Doors, and stuff like that.’
‘It’s in schedule mode.’
‘A coloured drawing of a door?’
‘Signage? Signage?’
‘Just whack some colour on it!’
‘It’s a bit of a cock-up, but it looks good.’
‘One end touches the ceiling!’
‘Abysmal, really poor!’
‘It needs a round corner.’
‘For God’s sake don’t call Roy!’
‘A. N. Other, a typical door.’
‘But, but…’
‘A full range of suites.’
‘It was a concept G.D.P.’
‘Yes, that’s telling them!’
‘Samples presenting?’
‘Go down the route of ‘product’ or ‘generic’.’
‘It moves with the kids…’

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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