The Madness of Decalcomania…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s adjectives are: carnivorous, milky, overbearing, glyconic. and mousy.

DSCN2481Whoa!… Who’s this?
There’s no need to be alarmed dear reader, it’s just one of my decalcomania monoprints from 2010. This one is on white drawing paper and is about 16″ x 12″.
I won’t go on about this form of printmaking again here, but if you would like to know a little more about it, and how you could even do some yourself, you could have a look at an earlier post of mine on the subject. (link)
Well, who is it? It’s definitely a man – it couldn’t be a woman – look at those great wide shoulders on him! I think he’s just been to his bank’s A.T.M. which has debited his account by fifty quid, but not coughed up any cash. I think his posture says it all. He’s just standing there on the street fuming… I once knew a theatre director who used to stand just like that when the show was going pear-shaped at the dress rehearsal… he knew that it would never be ‘alright on the night’… See, he’s just about to stamp his feet and produce a string of expletives because he knows that when he finally gets to the bank to complain, they’ll look at him with suspicion eyes and say that it will take ten days to investigate ‘his claim’… Of course he could put his card back in the machine and try again… but he daren’t…

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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