The happy bear…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s random dictionary words are: cheechako, skegger, lummy, dunt, thalassian, and bolometer.
Please have these words looked up and placed in suitable sentences ready for Professor Mouldie first thing after breakfast tomorrow morning. The professor may turn up bare-chested wearing a kilt and/or a Russian fur hat. You must not remark on, or draw attention to this.

It’s time for another of my mail art postcards. This one is No. 4504:

4504 DSCN3763Ah… Oh, doesn’t it make you want to say ‘Ah…’?
I don’t usually go for ‘cute’, but this really is very nice, isn’t it? You can’t help but smile – well I can’t… and I just did…
Such a simple thing, this postcard lark, snipping a smile from the pages of an old copy of that awful TV listings magazine What’s On TV and pasting it onto this stocky white bear, also from the same source. Oh, what fun surrealism is!…
Is it a person in a bear suit?… No, not really. The eye just can’t help but attach the smile to the beast and create this jolly crouching creature. That hunched posture certainly goes well with the facial expression…
‘Hello everybody, and good morning! My name is Percy Polar Bear… Welcome to my world!…
Yes, I know I’ve just crawled out of bed, and I’m a bit stiff, but I am really very pleased to see you!… Perhaps I can offer you some freshly killed herring, and a nice bowl of warm seal blubber?… Pull up an ice block, sit down, and chat with me for a while…’


About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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2 Responses to The happy bear…

  1. claradoodles says:

    The cheekako landed in in alaska with a bit of a dunt, as the thalassian collided randomly with a skegger, having been thrown off course by the bolometer attached to his rather oversized shell. (Sorry, I just had to, since its Saturday night and I’m bored!) My apologies to Professor Mouldie, but I do like a lie in on a Sunday morning. 😀 Oh and your postcard is really very good, haha!

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