Some stuff happening on the main road…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s carefully selected colours are: gerund grey, goblin grey, gammerstang grey, goose grey, garbage grey, goat grey, gruel grey, gusset grey, and parrot pink.

Really, I suppose it was the large monochrome painting on the side of the hospital wall, in the background, the masked doctor or nurse, that made me stop and pause in my walk, and get my camera out. Quite eye-catching serious eyes, eh? And she’s very large, too!
There was also, the shop front with all its bright gaudy advertising, a sturdy lurking tree trunk to the left, and the lady with one hand on the pole of the bus stop; she looks a bit tired, or perhaps she’s ill, perhaps just coming from the hospital, and waiting for a bus to take her home?
Gosh, there’s so much in this one! It’s got the look of an old master painting about it, you almost expect a Rembrandt chap, or two, old, with bushy beards, and whiskers, and fancy jackets, loping jovially into shot.
Yes, I think it’s a nice, but slightly lucky, composition.


Just at the moment when my finger pressed the shutter button, the lady happened to look up towards the big painting – accidental things like that are great value in a composition.
Yes, this one is, er, alright!

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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3 Responses to Some stuff happening on the main road…

  1. Jheron Bash says:

    Better than alright. Engaging and evocative. Excellent!

  2. Dana Doran says:

    He’s right, it’s an awesome composition. The Baroness

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