Oh dear, it seems to be a blog, about the blog…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s old word is, blimp.

I have been doing this-here daily blog for several years now. But lately, the writing side of it is becoming very messy – not from your point of view, dear reader, but from mine, as I tip-tap away here each morning.

On this site, WordPress, there is the page that you can type stuff on, and add photos, and links to other sites, and other things that will be posted onto your blog later. I’m looking at it now.

Oh dear, I hope this post doesn’t turn into one of my rants!

Typing stuff in is quite normal, I suppose. When I started all this ages ago, there was just one method of typing stuff in, it was called ‘classic’, and it was very straightforward. Then things changed, as they do in the world of computers, and it became something called ‘blocks’ instead, which was a bit ugly, and not very nice to use, but happily, you could click a button and go back to ‘classic’ instead, which is what I now do.

Yes, as I said above, things change in the world of computers.
A while ago, I suddenly found that I couldn’t add a link (to another site) onto a piece of my text any more, the bubble where you put the link just flashed on and off, and refused to work.
Over the last week or so, I found that when I put a photo into my post, which, as you might have noticed, I do a lot – I like to adjust the size of it, and position it in the middle of the page.
Suddenly I can’t adjust the size, it has to be big!
If I switch over from ‘classic’ to ‘blocks’, I find I can adjust the size, but I can’t place it horizontally, it has to be on the left.
(See below.)

Also, yes, also – certain things, buttons, windows, etc., come and go from the typing-in page. If you want to break off writing and save what you have done, you can save it – well, you can if the ‘save draft’ button is there – sometimes it isn’t – and later on in the day, when you open WordPress up again and look for the window on the dashboard page with the piece you did save on it – no window showing
As you work, some of the buttons at the top of the page, come and go at random, such things as, ‘Save Draft’, and ‘Preview’. As I am typing this, they are absent – I do hope I don’t need to save this, because I can’t. One day, the ‘publish’ button stopped working, too. I couldn’t save the post and had to write it all again.

If you go to WordPress help, they used to have people who would email you back with information, but now it’s just a robot message, that says for solutions, to, go look at the Community Forums. I went there, but there were just other bloggers complaining about having the same trouble as me – but of course, there were no solutions offered.
I am using an old WordPress ‘theme’ called Twenty Ten – if I changed to a different one, would all this Hell stop?
Dare I try it?

I’m wondering if all this is going to get any worse.
Yes, I enjoy doing this, but I have a fear that it will all suddenly stop.
Should I look for another blogging site to go to?
Ah, dear reader, would you miss me?…

I have just switched over from Classic to ‘Blocks’, but there are still no ‘save daft’ or ‘preview’ buttons showing.
Oh!… How odd, they have suddenly appeared!

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in art, arts, brain, composition, creation, design, drama, existentialism, expletives, Grumpiness, history, information, joke, learning, observations, photography, puzzle, reading, science, serendipity, surrealism, sweating, thinking, Uncategorized, words, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

8 Responses to Oh dear, it seems to be a blog, about the blog…

  1. Jheron Bash says:

    Oh, we’d all miss you alright!
    But they do this all the time with Tech. Bastards!
    Most dreaded words – “New improved version”. It rarely is …

  2. ktz2 says:

    After WP started the Block editing thing with the Classic option, the Classic interface didn’t look the same as before the Block thing, and in fact, if I remember correctly, for a time there was no choice back to Classic.
    That highly upset me and I went googling to research. I found a solution that retained the original Classic editing on my theme, also an old one.
    It is for the Chrome browser. If you’d like to know details I can email you.

    • ktz2 says:

      It also applies to the Firefox brower I believe, although I’ve never used it there

    • Dave Whatt says:

      Oh, thank you!
      I like Classic – and generally it seems to work well, and I’m learning to deal with these annoyances that I mentioned in the post.
      If I changed my ‘theme’ (the present ‘Twenty Ten’ I’m using, is apparently getting old now) would it make any difference, or would the writing have the same problems on a different theme?
      I’m not very good on the technical stuff.

  3. davidburnby says:

    It might surprise you to know that I’d very much miss your blog. Since I ‘retired’, I read it every day. I should perhaps get out more.

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