Some more deliberately misheard classical singing on the radio…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s dictionary words are: asteism, horometry, shippo, monzonite, tapotement, and fantod.

Oh, here we go again!
Now, what was I doing in the studio/workshop, when I jotted these bits down in my little notebook?

I expect I was chiselling small lumps of lino out of a marked-out block of lino – eight inches by six inches, is the one I always use. It is not too big, nor is it too small, it is a ‘nice’ size – something that would go into a sturdy, cheap, black A4 sized frame to be bunged onto a pleasant wall somewhere.
The print I was working on was, I recall, a simple thing with lots of white in it. Of course, on the lino printing block, the bits to be printed white have to be removed, the remaining ones being left there to eventually print their inked blackness onto the paper.
I recall, there were to be lots of small black things in the design, surrounded and crowded by white areas – a slow and messy job, getting all those fiddly spaces for white neatly chipped out!

It’s good to have the radio on, and a notebook handy, as one chisels away!
What, the hell, are they singing about?…

‘I just a pant – but is my eye so seen’?
‘I will veeno da’!
‘Pauline! Doo!…’
‘A granditto for the Joe, next door’?
‘Your feely beer, is mine, now’!
‘One fair is ponny – eachy, eachy, eachy, but no.’
‘My Lord, my Lord, my Lord’!
‘Those crisps, are gone, so…’
‘The doors of Dennis Hoovy are, waiting.’
‘Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh…’
‘Pip snort, and all is my dial’!
‘The lark, does so hambone, the shelves.’
‘Shefty shefty shefty.’
‘Take my time here, darkly, go ho ho ho ho’!
‘See now – the love tongs…’
‘A pipe snort.’

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in academia, adjectives, art, arts, brain, composition, cool, creation, drama, expletives, fine art prints, Grumpiness, humour, information, instruction, lino cut printing, lino printing, misheard, music, overheard, poetry, prints, puzzle, radio, religion, serendipity, sex, smiling, story, style, surrealism, thinking, words, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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