The lino print from that tiny drawing…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s pelican is the one arguing with the bloke on the supermarket checkouts.

Hm, a few days ago I mentioned a new lino print, but most of the post was taken up with my description of a nice old workshop tool instead, and also, the drawing for it was unusually small in the photo.
Do click here.

But look, here’s the print!

Lino Print. 2023. Oil-based ink on Japanese paper, about A4 in size.

So, really the big question is – what’s going on here?
Or even, What the hell, is going on here?

Well, I’m the last person to ask, I suppose – I am the one, who created it.
No, I haven’t a clue either! It is just shapes in a box, I suppose.

I do have a few questions, though.
Am I talking to myself, here?
Now, do you, dear reader, see several box-like ‘buildings’, going off into the far distance, or, do you see a single big object like a pyramid, getting narrower, as it proceeds upwards?
Perhaps it is about factories and their gaseous pollution?

Me, when I drew out the idea, I had a pyramid in mind, but now that I see it printed, I’m going for the receding blocks idea instead!
That’s the thing about art, you never know what people will make of it!
Would you, dear reader, go into the doorway on the bottom one, or would you walk up and go into one of the distant, or smaller, doors?

And, that thing on the top – is it a tree, or is it a vent blowing out noxious fumes?
Oh, and as for the things in the sky (is it a sky?), what are they?
Hm, oh, they are just space-fillers – round ones, and sharp ones.
Just look at them jiggle about!…

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in abstract, academia, adjectives, archeology, architecture, art, arts, brain, composition, cool, creation, design, drama, fine art prints, humour, information, lino cut printing, lino printing, mind, observations, prints, puzzle, sculpture, seeing, style, surrealism, thinking, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

4 Responses to The lino print from that tiny drawing…

  1. David Manley says:

    four giant steps to the tree of knowledge!?

  2. Jheron Bash says:

    Definitely receding blocks. Myself, I’d go through the doorway at the bottom, straight through the next, then the next and the next, see the stinky thing and fuck off sharpish back the way I came. Then probably have a nice lie down.

  3. memadtwo says:

    A cake with a cosmic candle? (K)

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