Possibly a bit feverish?…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s weather is clanging galvanised buckets bouncing off tilted squeaking step-ladders made of water.

Make sure you get plenty of sleep… and liquids – is it a cold? – is it some sort of bug? – dreaming must be good for you – this here must be called Karl’s Road – See, from the air, all the industry and refineries on the bank of the river, then those people sunbathing further along – the water looks brown though – What’s that itch in my back? – If you move further along you can stand in the red felted corridor of the old cinema – why do the people stare at me? – What are those violins scraping away so pointlessly at? – Ah, that little square hatch low down on the wall of the corridor must be where the little hand comes out with something in it – Look at those shiny brass handles on the black and white film door – It’s one of Haydn’s symphonies – they do go on – see if you can reach your hand out of the bed-clothes to press the button on the radio to stop them – my bed is wearing clothes – there, it’s done – no… violins still go on – Yawning is good for you! – it clears the sinuses you know – That girl with the blonde hair on the landing is trying to ask me something – Who is Joseph Haydn anyway? – I’ll try to reach out to him again – Are we on a ship now? – is the submersible up or down? – brought up a pair of cinema door handles in poor condition – it’s a poor condition – Who is this man standing facing the wall? – is he responsible for the bad violins? – What time is it now? – more plenty of sleep…

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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2 Responses to Possibly a bit feverish?…

  1. P.I. says:

    I can relate to this string of sentences, you know. Very feverish, yes.

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