From the ‘Journal of the Hull Surrealist League’…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s random dictionary words are: eidograph, pyx, lebbek, drepanium, and pavis.
You must have these words defined and placed in suitable sentences ready for Professor Mouldie first thing in the morning or there will be trouble.

I came across a small piece of writing with the title ‘Tinkering’ in an old copy of ‘PLOP – The Journal of the Hull Surrealist League’ this morning; it is dated November 1997 and is by Cheryl Whump-Pettle.
No one in the H.S.L. knew who Cheryl Whump-Pettle was, her contributions to the journal were always left in a plastic bag taped to the saddle of Tony Mayonnaise’s bicycle when he parked it outside the Polar Bear pub on Spring Bank.

‘Joan, what’s all that noise coming from you garage?’
‘Oh, that’s just Bob. He’s working on a new metaphor – he says that it’s something called a ‘void metaphor’. He’s got it jacked up on bricks, he spends hours lying underneath it, tinkering.’
‘A void metaphor?’
‘Mm, he says that it doesn’t mean anything…’
‘Oh dear, I hope it doesn’t collapse on him.’
‘I always work on my metaphors in the bedroom. Why he has to spend all those hours out there in the garage I’ll never know!’
‘I always prefer your metaphors to those of Bob anyway… Joan… do you think that ‘metaphor’ in this case might be a metaphor?’
‘Mm… Possibly…’



About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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