From the cafe window…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s carefully selected adjectives are: sloping, harmonic, muzzy, sthenic, mnemonical, and fruity.

DSCN4271So, there you are, sitting in the cafe sipping at a hot cup of tea and slicing thin sticky rectangles off a Belgian chocolate brownie with a knife, when you look up at, and through the window and think, Gosh Dave, what a visual feast of superimposed detail and colour! Perhaps a quick photograph might be in order? I’d better try to keep the camera very steady, there’s not much light and we don’t want it to be blurred do we? I think I’ll hold the camera very firmly and rest both of my elbows on the table…
This was a day back in February around five in the afternoon – just look at that super glowing colour in the evening sky! Some of those bright lights are outside and real, some are reflections of the interior cafe lights, and you can see a reflected column and some of the nice plaster work on the ceiling too (the cafe is in a fine old building that used to be a branch of the Yorkshire Bank), and see, a couple of advertising boards hanging up behind the counter are seemingly suspended on their wall in mid-air out there in the square.
‘But Dave, what was all that orange plastic stuff running across the bottom of the scene?’ I hear you ask. Well, those were the barriers to stop people from falling into all the holes that the Dulltown Council were digging in order to, for some reason, repave the whole of the city centre, install fountains, and plant some trees ready for Dulltown – UK City of Culture 2017. By the way, where are we now? Oh yes, August. All those barriers are still there, and they will be there for the rest of this year – also, I hear that all these works might not be ready for the start of the year of culture – still, what do I care?…
Culture… Bah… humbug!…

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in architecture, art, cafe, colours, composition, Dulltown, Grumpiness, history, Hull.UK., humour, information, photography, seeing, serendipity, surrealism, words and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to From the cafe window…

  1. That is actually a really nice photograph! The barriers contract nicely with the beautiful sky, and what I initially thought was a gang of UFO’s coming to visit, is a nice mix of the internal and external world! Nicely done! (P.S Check your email)

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