This is not art. No. 24…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s bulldog is the clean-cut handsome one… (B)

Well, goodness me!
Of all the This is Not Art posts I have done, I think this one is by far the most colourful and convincing – just look at those striking shades and tints! The orange, the amber, the grey, the blue! What a mix! It fair takes one’s breath away, doesn’t it?
Oh, and the freehand spontaneity of the rollered-on paint, the interloping jaunty semi-transparent square motif, the glowing intensity of those furnace-hot hard-lined rectilinear upper elements!

I’ll bet, dear reader, you are wondering what this actually is:
I was waiting, late one afternoon, at a local bus stop for a blue bus into town – the sun was getting low in the sky and being an unusually clear day the sunshine was raking hard across the road and smashing into the shopfront of a closed down pizza and burger take-away.
My photograph shows the boarded up window above the door and some of the frame above that. The shop was closed a few months back when the business moved to a ‘nicer’ place a few doors down the road. The whole frontage had been that orange colour for several years. When the pizza-folk finally moved out I suspect that the owner of the place didn’t like what they had done to his premises, and he/she possibly demanded that they cover up their bright paint job with something more sedate. I suspect that the pizza-folk, after moving, didn’t really feel like spending any more money on doing that, so they made just a half-hearted effort – they bought a small tin of cheap battleship grey and slapped it on, just as far as it would go before it ran out – hence the quickly, and not very well, applied grey over orange that you see here.
Aesthetically it is great though, isn’t it? By the way the blueish square is just the shadow of the Shop to Let sign fastened on the door frame to the right.

A footnote:
Compositionally, are you happy with the dark shadow at the very top? I wasn’t sure whether to crop it off or leave it on… I’m still pretty 50/50 about it as I sit here writing this twaddle…

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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8 Responses to This is not art. No. 24…

  1. Oh don’t crop the dark shadow off – its dramatic and highlights the weathered wood. I did wonder before reading this, that perhaps it was a top view of a newly cleaned out drawer in your workshop! (skewed perspective) But the colours are very pretty, the grey and orange palette are quite popular at the moment. 😀

    • Dave Whatt says:

      Speaking of skewing – it was a bit tricky photographing this – it being positioned high above the shop door. I had to hold my camera above my head and guess where it was pointing – I also had to do a little bit of ‘straightening up’ on Photoshop later.

  2. Sharon Mann says:

    A found masterpiece…when I first opened your post I thought you had painted it.

  3. Jheron Bash says:

    Well, I’m rather 50/50 about the top part as well. It rather gives the game away that the blueish area is actually a shadow. It would be interesting to see a more tightly cropped version, which would lend more abstraction. So, how about it, Dave? That could be a whole new blog right there, leading into your musings on the art of cropping. Go on, crop – you know you want to!

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