Are you A angry person?…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s unusual china teapot is the one shaped like the Brunelleschi’s dome on the Santa Maria del Fiore. It looks very good, but it is a remarkably bad pourer. (Click)

‘Oh, hello.’
‘I have a bone to pick with you!’
‘A bone?’
‘Yes, the last time I saw you, you were going on about media people and such like, using the indefinite article in a… in a funny way.’
‘Ah, you mean the indefinite article ‘a’, pronounced as the capital letter ‘A’ – to rhyme with ‘day’?’
‘So, why are you picking bones?’
‘Well, because ever since you mentioned it, I’ve been noticing it, I keep hearing it everywhere!… They’re all doing it – it’s really bloody annoying!…’
‘Hm, yes, it is… I particularly dislike it when they insist on replacing the indefinite article ‘an’ in front of a word that starts with a vowel…’
‘You know, like: A actor, A animal, A incident – I heard a very clever, highly regarded scientist on the radio say “A equation,” yesterday!’
‘Good god!’
‘I know, and what about Ex-President Obama coming out with, “A African American”? That was a surprise! I’d have expected better from him!’
‘It’s not just the journalists, the politicians, the weather people, and the academics, even the cops in the true-life-forensic-TV shows are doing it.’
A suspect, A firearm, A bunch of trouble, A evil doer…’
‘Yes, yes, alright, I get it!’
‘I’ve not heard many normal-everyday-general-public-folk do it yet though – but it’s only a matter of time – I don’t think we’ll be able to stop it, you know!’
‘No, it’s the way language naturally changes and evolves – I expect the harmless drudges who compile dictionaries are probably adding to the definition, as we speak.’
‘The definition of…’
‘Of A…’
‘You mean right at the beginning, first page, just before “aardvark”?’
‘What do you think it will say?’
‘Well, how about, “The indefinite article ‘a’, but emphasised and pronounced to rhyme with ‘pay’; to enable the following noun, adjective, etc. to be more dramatic and flashy; rather like shouting, or speaking pompously in capital letters.” – something like that?’
‘Good god!…’
‘Oh, and by the way…’
‘I have recently noticed something else that the journalists, economists, experts, newsreaders, are doing now… ‘
‘Oh, I’m not sure that I want to know…’
‘Oh, go on then! What is it the buggers are doing?’
‘They are emphasising their prepositions!’
‘Their prepositions?…’
‘Yes, to, at, after, on, but, in, by, etc, – they usually pause before, or after, doing it too, for extra emphasis – you can picture them reading off their screens! They seem to have trouble reading and speaking at the same time, poor things!
But I think it is, something we’ll have to, get used to!…’
‘Bloody ‘ell!’
‘Yes, indeed…’


About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in abstract, academia, archeology, architecture, arts, brain, conversation, cool, drama, existentialism, expletives, Grumpiness, history, humour, information, irony, learning, observations, people, politics, puzzle, radio, science, style, surrealism, thinking, TV, words and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Are you A angry person?…

  1. Dana Doran says:

    Oh good lord……so when I visited Firenze, that Dome was commonly known not by the name of the cathedral, but, simply as Il Domo. Haha. I never knew it had an-other name.

    • Dave Whatt says:

      I have seen that too – oh, and doesn’t ‘Giotto’s Tower’ (not really by him) look strange? The way it seems to get wider as it goes up. It never looks right in photos!

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