Hm, perhaps it’s about, nature and humans…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s dictionary words are: gadwall, pokal, succedaneum, pennon, cibol, and azoth. Please have these words looked up and placed in suitable sentences ready for Professor Mouldie first thing after breakfast tomorrow morning. Extra marks will be awarded to students who have long ginger hair.

It is another of my photos.
One of those, quickly taken, and not knowing whether it will be any good or not, ones.
Hm… I’m still not sure, but let’s have a look at it anyway!

When humans, us, leave a bit of land alone for a while, nature generally takes it over, usually very nicely.
Just look at Mother N, fighting against the human’s cars and concrete!
Nature is always nicer than human constructions.

A good variety of greenery here, and two kinds of flowers. No, sorry, I don’t know what the flowers are. Me, I’d just call them red ones and yellow ones.

See, Dave, it’s not a bad photo at all!

The blue section of concrete, and the red car, do balance the top of the frame nicely.
The cars look a bit sinister to me – as if they are about to jump out and attack us. See, they are watching us with their headlights!

I’m glad I focused the camera on the flowers and left the cars and the concrete a little bit out of focus, blurred. Blurring is good sometimes!
One day I might have that printed on a t-shirt!

I wish there had been a rabbit, or a squirrel, looking out at us from the grass, though – still, never mind…

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in academia, adjectives, architecture, art, arts, brain, colours, composition, cool, creation, drama, Dulltown, existentialism, gods, Hull.UK., humour, information, learning, observations, people, photography, physics, seeing, serendipity, words and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Hm, perhaps it’s about, nature and humans…

  1. memadtwo says:

    Mother N is much wiser than humans. (K)

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