No, Dave, that’s ridiculous…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s architectural term is, Sconce.
In military architecture, a small fort or earthwork, usually built as a counter-fort, or to defend a pass, castle gate, etc.
Hm, I think I’d like a sconce.

No, it’s not ridiculous, at all.

Eyes. 2024. Fluorescent paint and black ink on paper, about 23″ x 17″, 58 cm x 43 cm.

It’s not really ridiculous, is it?
I did this drawing/painting just a couple of weeks ago.
After it was finished, I was thinking of calling it, ‘Self Portrait’, but I chickened out of that idea, thinking that people would think, I looked like that.

Do you see the black dots as eyes, even if you hadn’t read the title?
That’s the thing about doing art, you never know what people with think of the thing, probably not at all what you had thought that, they might think.

Where did this idea come from?
I can hear you thinking, dear reader.
It was a preoccupation with combining bright colours with black and white. How they balance in the workings of the picture. I was reckoning on the idea that you need a lot of bright, eye-catching colour to balance just a little bit of high contrast black and white – and also concomitantly, a very small amount of bright colour to balance a lot of writhing black. Click here.

People, artists, don’t usually combine the two like this. They either go for full colour, or full monochrome, in a single piece of work. Even amounts of black and white, and colour, in one composition wouldn’t really work – it would just look, er, uneasy.

Me, I think, in this one, I’ve got the balance between the two just about right. A reasonable sort of balance.
Hm… Do you think those things look like eyes, dear reader?
They don’t have to be eyes, of course.

I do tend to call myself a surrealist, you know. Is this a surrealist picture?
I hope so.
Maybe it’s what you’d call, abstract surrealism?

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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1 Response to No, Dave, that’s ridiculous…

  1. Jheron Bash says:

    The circular arrangement definitely makes the dots appear as eyes. Unavoidable.

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