Come on! Let’s go back to 1956!…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s mammoth is the one trying to get upstairs on the crowded bus.

Yes, that’s when today’s book came out.
The book is one for boys back then, it is called, The Lion Annual 1956. The front and back covers are very colourful, and are nicely done!

Only some of the stories take place in space, others are set in a posh boarding school full of posh lads, an adventure in the jungle, or one perhaps involving a clever crime-solving dog.
In today’s illustration, (the illustrator is, of course, not credited, they didn’t bother with that in those days) we have a scene from WW11.

Yes, that finished only about eleven years before the book. Some of the readers of it might even remember something about the thing.

Look out! Here it is!

An odd thing is in that line of description at the top of the drawing.
It refers to ‘Germans’.
When the media, and the BBC in particular, these days, mention something that happened in WW11, they call the force on the other side ‘the Nazis’, rather than ‘the Germans’. Perhaps they just don’t want to offend the German readers or listeners? Who knows?
No, it wasn’t the Germans, it was the Nazis!

It is a nice bit of drawing, though, isn’t it?
Of course, this was just a little bit of war information for the kids reading it. Patriotism, that sort of thing. A good job that they didn’t show the real horrors of war instead!

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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2 Responses to Come on! Let’s go back to 1956!…

  1. Jheron Bash says:

    And when the Nazis needed to move quickly they would usually shout “Schnell! Schnell!” Also used to make English prisoners march quickly. Just saying.

  2. David Manley says:

    Hah you don’t fool me thats’ the squadies doing the Nazi Jive!

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