Oh, the lino print with the eyes…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s dictionary word is, monteith.
I wish I had a monteith!

Hm, yes, I think I mentioned this one a few days ago. But I can’t remember what I said about it. However, dear reader, you could have another look at the post, here.

Look out! Here it comes!

Lino print. 2023. Oil-based ink on Japanese paper, about A4 in size.

Do you find it confusing to the eye, dear reader?
Oh, I do hope so!

I suppose they, the two eyes, are just discs, really.
But, the idea is, that once you’ve seen them, spaced as they are, you will see them as peering eyes, and it will give a different feel to the whole thing. Suddenly, it might be threatening, as if something, maybe an angry tiger, is going to jump out at you.
Us humans are so very sensitive to eyes that are peeping at us.

Oh, and there is another oddity in this design, perhaps it is meant to be a puzzle. I suppose it might.
If you look at this for a minute or so, you might notice that where one curve overlaps another one, there are two narrow bands of black which separate them. All of my separations are like that…

No! They are not!
In four places in the design, there are no bands of black – the strands of white are apparently locked together as a cross! See how quickly you can spot them! It is such a fiddly messy composition, they are not that easy to spot!
Oh, I do like a puzzle in my art!

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in abstract, academia, animals, art, arts, brain, composition, cool, creation, design, drama, drawing, existentialism, fine art prints, food, history, humour, information, joke, lino cut printing, lino printing, Maths, mind, observations, prints, puzzle, science, seeing, serendipity, smiling, style, surrealism, thinking, words, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

3 Responses to Oh, the lino print with the eyes…

  1. memadtwo says:

    Nice weaving. (K)

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