Pithy items again…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s heraldic term is ‘lodged’ – of a deer, lying down.
Well, that’s a strange one, let me see if I can find a picture.
Have you noticed that all deer do tend to look rather snooty, whether lodged, or standing?

Excuses for being late. No.156.
I’m sorry I’m late, but I dropped one of my gold ingots on my foot.

Isn’t it funny how things stick in your mind? Years ago I spotted a piece of teenage graffiti scratched into a wooden park bench. The perpetrator obviously intended to record that stylish put-down, ‘In your dreams’, but not being that hot at spelling they had written, ‘In your drems’. When the need arises for me to utter such a phrase I usually plump for this new truncated version, much to the puzzlement of the recipient… Come on dear reader, let’s see if we can introduce it into common usage – say it to someone today! This could sweep the English-speaking world…

‘Hello, it’s the Vatican reception desk here. Could you tell me, what time is your anointment?’

A single overheard, or possibly misheard, remark:
‘It was just a kid with a blow-pod…’

Oh look, a young Donald Sutherland walking through the bus station eating a rather runny meat pie. I’m sure it’s him, look at that characteristic cheeky devil-may-care grin…

It was cold and was snowing as I walked around town the other day. I noticed that there was smoke coming from the chimney of the local art gallery – I expect the staff were burning a few paintings to keep warm…

A single overheard remark:
‘Why do they keep on telling us about the bloody future?…’

An observation:
An old lady standing at the bus stop was sneezing, ‘Wish two!… Wish Two!… Wish Two!’.

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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