Mail Art Postcard. No. 4681…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s quotation is from Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s short story The Adventure of the Golden Pince-Nez:
“Halloa! halloa! halloa! What’s this?”
Amid the droning of the wind there had come the stamping of a horse’s hoofs, and the long grind of a wheel as it rasped against the kerb. The cab which I had seen had pulled up at our door.
“What can he want?” I ejaculated, as a man stepped out of it.
“Want? He wants us. And we my poor Watson, want overcoats and cravats and goloshes, and every aid that man ever invented to fight the weather…”

Hm, yes, it’s at least a couple of weeks since I showed you one of my mail art postcards dear reader. Here is a nice one, a simple collage using clippings from that dreary British TV listings magazine What’s On TV.
Of course these three must be actors – actors never look like real people do they, not even in everyday life? They seem to need to be constantly looked at, and admired, and to dominate the scene, even if it isn’t a scene, poor things…
I have met a few actors in my time (from my days of designing and building theatre sets) but I can’t really recall anything about any of them – actors are like hollow simulacra of real people.
Oh, I know, I’m being rather hard on these fine upstanding hard-working folk, I’m sure that there are plenty of very nice and interesting people out there who are actors, it’s just that I haven’t met any of them yet…
But anyway, back to my postcard…
Ah, but, look at the person on the right, the one without the added features (I forget his name, but he does seem quite popular on British TV at the moment) – it’s only a picture of his face, but you can see that he’s ‘in character’ can’t you – inside he is acting away like mad for the photo.
I do like this composition! There is so much drama and emotion in it, don’t you think? The pair of eyes and the mouth don’t go anywhere near being convincing pasted on their chosen faces, but they add so much ‘meaning’ and ‘expression’. What a gripping eye-catching image it is – well, I think so…
Oh, hang on, doesn’t the one on the left look a bit like my hero Prof. Richard Dawkins?
No, it can’t be him – I’m sure he doesn’t have the time to do any TV acting…

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in celebrities, composition, cool, creation, drama, humour, information, Mail Art, postcards, reading, serendipity, smiling, style, surrealism, theatre, TV, writing and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Mail Art Postcard. No. 4681…

  1. Sharon Mann says:

    haha, the guy on the left is thinking, “I think I must be adopted I don’t look a bit like my siblings.”

  2. Very nice, Dave, yes…..I like how you managed to create the unsettling look of the woman in the middle. She looks like she has quite a lot on her mind, putting it mildly! 🙂

  3. Jheron Bash says:

    We’re all actors, Dave – even you. All the blog’s a stage …

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