The perp always gets it in the end…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s unusual china teapot is the one shaped like the head of King Henry VIII. Very stable on the table, but a very poor pourer.

Crime and punishment, grime and punishment, crime and nourishment – we humans seem to be easily drawn to such things. We love to sit in front of the TV, snack in hand, being appalled at the horrible things that other humans do to each other, and we are uplifted and gratified when the crime is discovered and the perpetrator is either chucked in the slammer without parole, or find themselves behind bars down on the killin’ floor. (Click)
So the TV shows featuring such things are of course very popular, either the ones with good-looking smirking actors and fictitious plots, or the ‘real life forensic reconstructions’ with the genuine hard-faced retired coppers telling the tale.
I must confess I do watch the ‘real life’ ones occasionally, but only to jot down some bits of dialogue and voice-over to construct a little word collage out of them for you, dear reader.
Look out! Sirens, flashing blue lights! See, look, there goes the perp! Just look at him run!…

Death, door-to-door – it was all they needed to know – a search for a common denominator – it was left on a construction site – in a nearby nightclub? – came to blows over it – as odd as it seems – it was eventually found on the floor on the bedroom – covered by a dirty t-shirt – they then received a call – he declined to provide a blood sample – free to kill again! – if similarities existed – triggered a murderous rage in him – a foul odour – consistent with a bullet – by staining it purple – any clue? – driving on a rural road – he was then drug from the car – a .38 calibre – to compare the footprint with – we were happy that we did – metal shavings – but wearing a tutu – then a simple background check – thirty years without parole…

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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2 Responses to The perp always gets it in the end…

  1. Dana Doran says:

    Well these tv shows will no longer be broadcast in the US. The Socialists insist that no programming be aired that shows police in a positive light. Live PD? Cancelled. Blue Bloods with Tom Selleck? No more. The mob rules.

    • Dave Whatt says:

      Goodness me Baroness – no, no, don’t let the beastly common folk upset you so much!…
      ‘Socialists’ indeed!…
      (I am humming the tune of ‘The Red Flag’ as type this…)

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