A few short, but pithy, items…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s Triceratops is the one munching six vegan salads outside McDonald’s.

Excuses for being late. No. 505:
I’m sorry I’m late, but I was trying to work out why people like to watch other people playing football.

A single loud overheard remark.
‘No, I don’t work at that fucking dentists any more!…’

‘Yes dear’?
‘What is the real reason that people want to have lots of money’?
‘The real reason, dear’?
‘So that they can live somewhere well away from all the poor people…’
‘Oh, I see…’

‘It sounds a bit childish…’
‘What does’?
‘You know, the dogs they have in the police, and at airports…’
‘The dogs, the dogs! That come nuzzling up and…’
‘The sniffer dogs.’
‘Yes! Why are they called that? What a stupid, childish name’!
‘But what’?
‘What would you call them’?
‘Smelling dogs – that’s what they do, isn’t it’?
‘Smelling dogs…’
‘Right ho…’

Spam time, again!
Today’s item of spam, sitting here in my inbox, is from someone with the unlikely name of Fung-aha:
Hello all! Here every person is sharing these kinds of familiarity, therefore it’s good to read this website. to visit this website
you’re in point of fact a excellent webmaster – it sort of feels that you are doing any distinctive trick. Done a fantastic activity on this is piece.
Well, hello Fung-aha! What a pleasure it was finding you here! And, I’m glad to see that you like my distinctive tricks! Ha ha ah! Familiarity is my main idea, as you well know! Do get in touch again soon. My very best wishes from Dulltown UK!

Dave’s musical spot:
Yes, I usually have a link to some piece of music in this part – isn’t it awful when people force you to listen to some piece of music, that they love, which you don’t? Still, here we go again. How about ‘New Kind of Kick’ by the Cramps? Isn’t The Cramps, a great name for a band?
Click here! New Kind Of Kick – YouTube 
Oh, dear! My computer, or WordPress, won’t let me add any links today. You could always, if you are keen, look the track up on YouTube! Sorry.

I’m thinking of changing my name to Vi Lynne Solo.

A single overheard remark:
‘No, Sally, his head is the best thing!…’


About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
This entry was posted in academia, art, brain, conversation, cool, drama, Dulltown, expletives, food, Grumpiness, history, Hull.UK., humour, information, money, music, overheard, people, puzzle, serendipity, smiling, spam, style, surrealism, swearing, thinking, Uncategorized, words and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.

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