Overheard and misheard snatches of cafe conversation…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s random dictionary words are: fastigiate, percoct, sprue, dunnage, and chape.
Please have these words looked up and placed in suitable sentences for Professor Mouldie first thing in the morning. Marks will be awarded for clean and nicely folded handkerchiefs.

‘Powy tray bee.’
‘Wooma coppy woosha…’
‘It’s the last one there.’
‘Yeh gra, yeh gra…’
‘Unbelievably depends…’
‘Pommy nellen?’
‘The moncom was superb!’
‘Moonbase savaloy.’
‘Oh she, oh she…’
‘A freen patch two?’
‘He was growing up dashing.’
‘Try to get me a full one please.’
‘Oopy diz-waz?’
‘Cool of his size to be hold of…’
‘Yes, it was open in two minutes.’
‘Cabby now-cho…’
‘Hairstyles, no!…’
‘A manager change-over.’
‘On my nose?…’
‘Er… chewnicks.’
‘Ah, it’s lovely!’
‘Flappy ears.’
‘Vile stains?’
‘Sail it away now Bob.’
‘A shadow on the first one?’
‘Matilda Hutch?’
‘Get an inch got.’
‘An okay chicken…’
‘Oh me lover, oh me lover!’
‘Just painted on?’
‘Hear the sound of changes.’
‘I dropped a morriot.’
‘Suddenly corrupted?’
‘He talks like a farmer.’

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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