Some overheard and misheard snatches of cafe conversation…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s stegosaurus is the one trying on sweaters and cardigans in Marks and Spencer.

‘He’s so high up in the back seat.’
‘…and remarried?’
‘Yeah, yeah, auctioneering!’
‘He’s not paying the full rent you know…’
‘A tongue metal?’
‘So, my mum bought her a ticket…’
‘We all get beaten eventually.’
‘Not really a dinner-dance then?’
‘Omar God…’
‘You can not run out of fine gears.’
‘Sit back and have a chat Bobby.’
‘Noel said there were eleven excuses!’
‘On a beach with light.’
‘Penny bar, penny bar…’
‘No way it’s a small world!’
‘Relaxed in the Seychelles.’
‘More bloody maths!’
‘Swedish sport?’
‘It was very cinder for two weeks.’
‘I am Friday!’
‘Just to climb off him…’
‘T.A.A. Yes!…’
‘It landed and sucked.’
‘Now that was real leather!’
‘A village outside Northallerton.’
‘Everyone said a cute ball.’
‘At the drop of a knife…’
‘Roger investment…’

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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