Some song lyrics misheard over the cafe hubbub…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s existential angst is centred around the phrase – ‘award-winning’.

‘No, no, puppa, puppa, ocean-ocean…’
‘Everything’s so low – you can grease too long…’
‘Peas!… Push that cushion!.’
‘I wake up every bun in the catholic years girl.’
‘I know it baby, I bake, I fry…’
‘Heavy rotation, cool paste, na-na-na-na, na!’
‘I’m alone in time, I am down in things, in things…’
‘Oh more rigour, baby I know your notebooks now…’
‘Is it low pinions or just a moan from the night?’
‘She got jim-jep eyes, she got his frame now…’
‘The rabbit is home in the tomorrow.’
‘Catch her eye, pass by – blue night…’
‘The spiralling night-time babe, wanna hold you in dreams.’
‘Nar-now, laughter panda, breath me a smile girl.’
‘A reason rearranged, a fender she comb home.’
‘And now you get me a pine lamprey…’
‘I look, I look, I look!’
‘Whoa, whoa, pup pup pup!’
‘Waterloo broad beard – ocean ocean…’
‘A feather for me, but just a newt for her.’

Foe some information on how these lines are compiled, you could click here.

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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6 Responses to Some song lyrics misheard over the cafe hubbub…

  1. Sharon Mann says:

    haha, I like the last line. I think misheard lyrics are always much better than the originals.

  2. Dana Doran says:

    Oh yes, the existential angst of the use of the phrase “award winning.” Just who gives out these awards? Well, I have received a few in my life – “awards” that is…you know, ribbons for my work….. So, could it be that I could refer to one as the “award winning Baroness of Memphis?”

    • Dave Whatt says:

      Dear A W B of M,
      Gosh Dana, you’ve received a few awards! Well, I’m very impressed – me, I’ve never had a single one…

      • Dana Doran says:

        Listen, your highness, you do have to buy a ticket to win the lottery….perhaps that’s a poor analogy. ….because we’re always invited? Someday I’ll find that trunk with the ribbons and share them with you. I spent the honorariums, I’m sure – it’s expensive being a baroness!

      • Dave Whatt says:

        I’m probably a deliberate loser…

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