An observation on the bus…

But first…
Dulltown, Europe: Today’s random dictionary words are: treacher, orlop, horrisonant, spadroon, and bycoket.
Please have these words looked up and placed in suitable sentences ready for Professor Mouldie first thing after breakfast tomorrow morning. Be warned, he may be humming hymn tunes, and open sniggering would be dangerous.

‘I’m puzzled…’
‘That man who just got on the bus… and that other one a few minutes ago…’
‘What about them?’
‘Well, they got on, paid their fare, got their ticket, and both of them said to the driver, ‘Cheese May…’ as they went off to sit down.’
‘Well, what’s that mean? I’ve never heard anyone say that before…’
‘Ah, you see, in a couple of days it will be the first of May…’
‘Here in Dulltown, there is a tradition to celebrate May Day with a piece of nice cheese…’
‘…and the ancient phrase ‘Cheese May’ is a common cheery greeting at this time of the year…’
‘Gosh… Really?’
‘Yes… No… I am jesting with you… It’s really just sloppy diction – what the chaps are actually saying to the driver on receiving their tickets is ‘Cheers mate!…’ and… Ouch!… Why did you do that?’
‘Because you are a smarty pants!… Have another!’

About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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