Dave goes festive…

But first…
Dulltown, UK: Today’s existential angst is centred around the sound of that rather unpleasant word dungarees.

Look out – it’s nearly upon us!…
Christmas, Xmas, Yuletide, the great festivities…
Yes, yes, I am a miserable old Scrooge-like character and I don’t bother with it at all – but don’t let me sour the occasion for you with my overflowing negative vibes – go ahead and have a wonderful heart-warming, good will to all people time; see, it’s snowing outside, but bright and warm and cheery in here, look at those thick round logs glow as they crackle away in the grate – what’s that wonderful smell coming from the kitchen? Do you fancy another sherry Vicar?… if that is what you do…
I must confess that I have been rather negative about the whole thing in a couple of my recent posts (1) (2), but don’t worry dear reader, I’m not going to start on all that again…
A few days ago I met up with a couple of my jolly good pals for tea, coffee, and nice buns in a cafe in town; they kindly brought along a present for me; it was a couple of sets of sparkling LED festive lights they don’t need any more; this year, having moved house, they have reduced the size of their display.
I do quite like flashing Christmas lights. But where in my house should I install them? Gosh, I wouldn’t like people to glimpses them flashing away through my front window – they would wonder what had come over me… They might knock on the door and say, ‘Everything alright Dave?… We noticed something unusual… We are a bit concerned…’
But of course, of course! The lights would go splendidly draped around my Pink Wall of Tat (PWoT) that you may have seen featured at odd times in these pages.
Gosh, it does look grand! It warms the cockles of one’s heart… I’d better take a quick photograph and share it with the world…
I wonder how young ‘Tiny Tim’ Cratchit is doing these days, I wonder if he’s any better?… Perhaps I should get in touch again?…


About Dave Whatt

Grumpy old surrealist artist, musician, postcard maker, bluesman, theatre set designer, and debonair man-about-town. My favourite tools are the plectrum and the pencil...
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12 Responses to Dave goes festive…

  1. ktz2 says:

    To me the best part of Christmas/non-denominational Winter Holiday is the pretty colored light displays and in my opinion they should be up ALL THE TIME ! I love it when people go nuts and do their whole outer house and yard.

  2. Ahh now, here you are trying to be all bah humbug, and you are secretly throwing lights up all over the place! See, I knew you had a bit of sparkle about you! haha! 😀

  3. Jheron Bash says:

    Well, haven’t the sparkly lights gone down well! Your PWoT has never looked so splendid. Throw another mince pie on the fire! Merry Solstice, one and all!!

  4. You have a PWoT?? That beats my ‘Special Shelf’

  5. memadtwo says:

    Merry Christmas Dave!

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